“I don’t want charity and I don’t want favors. I want a trainer.” / 我也想流汗,也想找到一样可以让我流汗的事物并被它选中,也想在第一回合就用重重的拳头把对手击倒在地,我也想不懊悔地离去,我也想赢 / 柔和简单的钢琴音(esp. at credits)给我强烈的dejavu,还有吉他也是,这样的音乐搭配很暗的调色&很冷的色调,非常适合这个很不柔软又很柔软的千禧故事
「So much of life is a mystery. We know so little of this world.」「Always teach him to dream. To seek the unknow. To look for what is beautiful is its own reward.」「'A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?'」
2024-11-23 03:33