影视评论 (发表你的态度!)
2024-11-19 09:31
An emotionally rich & sincere affair story. The film beautifully relates how sheer blind luck is going to cause the lives of two ordinary persons to be utterly shaken up. Two well-grounded people, both leading a stable and happily married life with their loved partner and children, get thrust into the fever of love & passion. But their unexciting routine is exchanged for rejuvenation & bliss only for a short time. For there is constant tension between the characters’ deep & requited love and the shackles of the society they live in, esp. from a moral perspective. Very interestingly, the movie also depicts the gap between how different social classes experience extra-marital relationships.
2024-11-19 10:44
2019.6.20:看过两遍,至少。 2021.9.25:人民喜闻乐见,你不喜欢,你算老几?上海人喜爱评弹、淮剧、越剧,要你北京人去批准干什么?我们看了戏说好,不一定就好,我们的话靠不住,个人有个人的爱好,怎能作为标准?艺术是要人民批准的,只要人民爱好,就有价值。 ——1961年6月19日周恩来总理狠批文化局
2024-11-19 10:51